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Version 0.7 - What's new?

Release Notes
Does the exact reuse of historical return series really provide a sufficient understanding of the risks on the path to financial independence or are Monte Carlo simulations better suited for this? Analyses can now be saved in bookmarks and easily shared.
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Version 0.6 - What's new?

Release Notes
Are inflations-indexed TIPS bonds with their currently high yields a useful add-on to a stock heavy retirement portfolio? And how can I get a quick overview about different asset allocations?
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Version 0.5 - What's new?

Release Notes
An equal-weighted Commodity Index serves as Inflation Fledge and can be extremely useful for Risk-Adjusted Portfolios.
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Version 0.4 - What's new?

Release Notes
If you have always wanted to know whether factor ETFs or a golden butterfly portfolio allow for earlier financial independence or higher withdrawal rates in retirement, you can now calculate this yourself in the new version 0.4 of the FI Simulator.
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Version 0.3 - What's new?

Release Notes
Interest Rates are rising fast. So it’s about time for a new version of the FI Simulator that is able to handle bonds as well. I will present all the new functions in detail in the next weeks. Here is already a brief list of new functions and changes.
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Version 0.2 - What's new?

Release Notes
I have received a lot of feedback about the first version of the simulator, thanks a lot for that! Some of it has already been incorporated into the new version, which is live since today. Here is a first compact overview of all new features