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Virtual Case Study C - Clara

Today, in another virtual case study, I would like to show how withdrawal rates can be determined that preserve the initial capital. Such a calculation is useful, for example, when one wants to protect assets over generations.
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Virtual Case Study B - Ben

Ben turned 55 this year and has been considering retirement for some time. He has already saved up a nice stock portfolio during his working life, currently worth 500,000€, and is also entitled to a pension. More importantly, however, he has a large life insurance policy that will bring him a payout of a round million $ on his 65th birthday in January 2032.
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Virtual Case Study A - Ana

Ana has just turned 25 and successfully finished her college degree a few weeks ago. She is now starting her first real job as a project manager in a large corporation. Ana is a little bit concerned about how to provide sensibly for the future and therefore wants to invest part of her salary in a broadly diversified stock ETF from the very beginning.